Rod Hill, Lay Delegate to Annual Conference, June 28, 2023
— New Every Morning --
For the last several conferences, Bishop David Bard has selected a theme from the book of Lamentations. This year’s theme was Lamentations 3:22-23: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Although we’ve been wondering for a few years now, we all anticipated that this might be the year that major changes would occur in the Michigan United Methodist Church. Even though there had been no material changes made to the Book of Discipline, since a full General Conference has not taken place since 2016, many churches in the United States were determined to take actions in anticipation of amendments that they perceived General Conference was likely to make. Considering the actions of those churches, separation has already begun.
For that reason this year’s Annual Conference included a mood of sadness and mourning, but also one of commitment and resolve.
In addition to all of the normal proceedings we were called to do, we were asked to confirm and approve the disaffiliation of 60 Michigan United Methodist churches from our conference, effective July 1, 2023.
Those churches had all met the terms set forward at the special Annual Conference in 2019 for them to leave the Michigan Area UMC that included:
At least 2/3rds of their congregation voted to disaffiliate.
They paid off any outstanding debts to the Conference.
They were up to date with health and benefits obligations for clergy.
They had met their Aggregate Pension Obligations.
They agreed to preserve and make available all church records of baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc. through their church’s entire history up to July 1, 2023.
Their church properties were clear of all Conference Claims.
In all, 60 churches (plus 3 who disaffiliated last year) comprise 8% of all of Michigan’s UMCs. It’s worth pointing out that our average is substantially lower than most other conferences. This is even more remarkable since our Conference Leadership had adopted an expressed policy of accommodation for churches that wanted to leave. Our vision was that we wanted our brothers and sisters to succeed rather than fail in their enterprise, and that God’s abundant grace has room for all of us!
Based on that, the Michigan Area Conference allowed disaffiliating churches to:
Keep their church properties (rather than be forced to buy them back).
Have paid 100% Ministry Shares for only the last 2 years (3 years was normal for other conferences) to cover their legacy commitments to clergy retirements, healthcare, etc.
Pay an Equity Share equivalent to two years of Ministry Shares, instead of forcing a full property valuation, to compensate the Michigan Conference for 10% of the loss of those church properties.
And finally, we will be conducting another Special Annual Conference in November to confirm and approve any additional churches that had voted to leave but were unable to meet the other terms before the June 1st deadline.
Among the regular work that is done at Annual Conference, we accepted a 2024 Conference budget. Next year’s budget is 20% lower than last year which involved downsizing and laying off conference staff. We also affirmed changing our nine-district structure down to seven. We voted to merge part of Northern Waters District and Midwest District to create the new Western Waters District. Another portion of the Northern Waters District has merged with the Northern Skies District. As for the Heritage District, it increased in number of churches by absorbing part of the Mid-Michigan District.
We closed 9 churches and sold 11 properties. This was not unusual although the loss of any churches is, of course, painful. And, as we do every Conference, we remembered and honored 40 Clergy, Clergy spouses, Laity and Family who’ve passed over the last year.
Of the eleven resolutions presented at this year’s conference, four pertained to clergy and were handled in plenary. All of these passed.
We then voted to affirm actions supporting the “Christmas Covenant and Connectional Table” legislation for the creation of Regional Conferences for Africa, Europe, the Philippines and the U.S.
Two more resolutions affirmed recommendations from the North Central, Northeastern, South Central, Southeastern and Western Jurisdictional Conferences that affirmed and supported removing policy language that is inconsistent with Inclusivity Initiatives, and another encouraging delegates of all conferences to Lead with Integrity when voting on matters related to disaffiliation.
And one final resolution was passed by over 90% of the body, to support justice initiatives for Palestinian Christian and Muslim children, by focusing on actions in government and society that harm peace and mistreat children in Palestine and Israel. Anyone wishing for more information on this effort; please contact the Church Office or me at
Even with our extraordinary challenges it was a great outpouring of love for all who attended the 2023 Annual Conference. And to finish with a further blessing, at the service for Recognition, Commissioning, and Ordination, eight graduates of the Course of Study were recognized, three new Candidates were commissioned and eight Provisional Elders for ordination were received. Praise God!
As Bishop Bard reminded us many times over our time together:
God is not done with the United Methodist Church, and the United Methodist Church is clearly not done with God!